Summer Bouquet


Embrace the warmth of summer with our Summer Flower Bouquet Subscription! Enjoy a stunning variety of sunflowers, zinnias, and vibrant dahlias, capturing the essence of sunny days. Each bouquet is a burst of color and fragrance, perfect for adding a touch of summer joy to your space.

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Embrace the warmth of summer with our Summer Flower Bouquet Subscription! Enjoy a stunning variety of sunflowers, zinnias, and vibrant dahlias, capturing the essence of sunny days. Each bouquet is a burst of color and fragrance, perfect for adding a touch of summer joy to your space.

Embrace the warmth of summer with our Summer Flower Bouquet Subscription! Enjoy a stunning variety of sunflowers, zinnias, and vibrant dahlias, capturing the essence of sunny days. Each bouquet is a burst of color and fragrance, perfect for adding a touch of summer joy to your space.

Our summer bouquet subscriptions will be stocked with many of your favorite summer blooms. Think zinnia, sunflower, lisianthus, and dahlia. With the summer subscription, you will receive 5 gorgeous bouquets of summer blooms!

Typically the first summer bouquet is around mid-late July. You will receive more information at that time.

Pickup Info: We will have three pickup sites. There will be a Tecumseh, Saline, and Ann Arbor pickup location for 2025. More info will be relayed after purchase.