Spring Bouquet


Celebrate the season with our Spring Flower Bouquet Subscription! Each month, receive a delightful mix of vibrant tulips, fragrant lilacs, and cheerful daffodils, all handpicked to brighten your home. Experience the refreshing colors and scents of spring!

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Celebrate the season with our Spring Flower Bouquet Subscription! Each month, receive a delightful mix of vibrant tulips, fragrant lilacs, and cheerful daffodils, all handpicked to brighten your home. Experience the refreshing colors and scents of spring!

Celebrate the season with our Spring Flower Bouquet Subscription! Each month, receive a delightful mix of vibrant tulips, fragrant lilacs, and cheerful daffodils, all handpicked to brighten your home. Experience the refreshing colors and scents of spring!

Our Spring Bouquet Subscription begins with the favorite traditional spring blooms. With the spring subscription, you will receive five luscious bouquets of the spring blooms. Think tulips, daffodils, peonies, etc

Typically the first bouquet is around Easter. You will receive more information at that time.

Pickup Info: We will have three pickup sites. There will be a Tecumseh, Saline, and Ann Arbor pickup location for 2025. More info will be relayed after purchase.